THE BIGGEST SHARK IN HUNGRY SHARK EVOLUTION. Size Comparison [10 Years Special Edition] Fin Finn -

THE BIGGEST SHARK IN HUNGRY SHARK EVOLUTION. Size Comparison [10 Years Special Edition] Fin Finn

Revx Gaming
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This is 10 Years Special Edition Sharks Size Comparison for Hungry Shark Evolution including all special shark.
Revx Gaming is the first channel making Sharks Size Comparison for Hungry Shark Series.

The purpose making this video to show all sharks size in this game.
Also show who is the biggest sharks in Hungry Shark Evolution.
All sharks have been carefully measured based to shark info size.
The measure for biggest shark based on head and body volume not including fins or legs.

I hope this video can give useful information about all sharks size in Hungry Shark Evolution.

Hungry Shark Evolution on Google Play

All Special Sharks:
Electro Shark
Ice Shark
Robo Shark
Pyro Shark
Natasha The Narwhal
Ghost Shark
Fin, Finn n Finny

Music: In-Game Music

#finfinnnfinny #wereshark #sharkeleon #ghostshark #natashathenarwhal #pyroshark #roboshark #iceshark #electroshark #hungrysharkevolution #hungryshark #revxgaming