Hungry Shark Primal is an upcoming game in the Hungry Shark franchise, set in prehistoric times. The game was released in early access for specific regions on April 21, 2023 via the Google Play store, with a full release set for later in 2023.
Watch more videos :
◾Hungry Shark World ➡️
◾Hungry Dragon ➡️
◾King of Crabs ➡️
◾C.A.T.S ➡️
◾Brawl Stars ➡️
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Hungry Shark Primal is an underwater adventure and the newest installment in the franchise. It takes place in an ancient era with several prehistoric creatures, such as dinosaurs, ancient fish, reptiles, and cavemen. The game’s time period does not appear to be a specific realistic one, as animals that did not co-exist in real life (such as dinosaurs and humans) appear together. Like in previous installments, the overall premise is the same; devour countless creatures as a shark with endless hunger. There are several ancient creatures to feast on, as well as many enemies to fight. New and unique prehistoric hunters are available to play as in this game.
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